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Unbalanced Jobs / Trabalhos Desbalançeados

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Os Trabalhos Estão Injustos 

No LFSPROCruise , você trabalha e trabalha (Clean,Jonh Jobs) como iniciante , e cada entrega são LP$ 76 e 4EXP, a cada 140KG de lixo LP$9 .

mas qualquer um que começou agora, o XRG ( carro "barato" de exemplo) é 18000 ou seja , para conseguir um dos carros mais baratos seria 236 entregas , durando 3 minutos em média cada entrega sendo extremamente repetitiva , mas para os players que pagaram , 1 viagem no TRANSPRO seria em média 1000 . Isso acaba deixando o jogo MASSANTE E ENJOATIVO afastando os players que tentam jogar para se divertir . 


Hoje eu estava jogando numa perseguição , eu apenas encostei nos containers da pista "Whesthill" e fui removido por dirigir numa área restrita e fui penalizado -5000 . 

Alem dos containers serem perfeitamente acessiveis eu teria de fazer em media 65 entregas para pagar um prejuizo de um bug . Gostaria que isso chegasse aos membros que cuidam dos servidores de cruise . 



Ass : Nafalm                                             Qualquer coisa contate meu discord : Nafalm#9289                             Com este texto gostaria apenas de compartilhar esta reclamação 

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First of all, do not use BIG FONTS. Nobody here is blind.

Second, you can work either for John Jobs and Transport Companies (tranportadoras in brazil). Transport Companies are not a paid function. And the idea is to work to get the things, not to "give" to the players just because they are online and did few jobs.

And what you mean with "containers" on Whesthill? There are no "containers" in Westhill, and almost no restricted areas set by me. Exception for marshalls which were place as NPCs, that have small circles (LFS does not allow to remove restricted area completelly from them). Next time, provide a screenshot of what place you mean.

Third, is not possible to you to calculate how many jobs you need to do, as you earn EXP on every job. So, if you want to consider how many jobs to get a specific amount of money, you must consider the EXP you will get on EVERY JOB. So it means you don't need 236 deliveries, as far you will receive EXP on each delivery what means more profit on next delivery.

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22 horas atrás, Negan disse:

First of all, do not use BIG FONTS. Nobody here is blind.

Second, you can work either for John Jobs and Transport Companies (tranportadoras in brazil). Transport Companies are not a paid function. And the idea is to work to get the things, not to "give" to the players just because they are online and did few jobs.

And what you mean with "containers" on Whesthill? There are no "containers" in Westhill, and almost no restricted areas set by me. Exception for marshalls which were place as NPCs, that have small circles (LFS does not allow to remove restricted area completelly from them). Next time, provide a screenshot of what place you mean.

Third, is not possible to you to calculate how many jobs you need to do, as you earn EXP on every job. So, if you want to consider how many jobs to get a specific amount of money, you must consider the EXP you will get on EVERY JOB. So it means you don't need 236 deliveries, as far you will receive EXP on each delivery what means more profit on next delivery.

Sorry for using big fonts i didn't know thats prohibited . And i undestand what you mean by not giving things to the players , that's why i put the @suggestions on tags . And for the EXP&LP$ thing , i've said its in average amount , not much more , not much less . Sorry for the missreport of an prohibited area , i did the test on myself and i think its a map glitch that i was trown away or an vehicle bug . you might understand what i mean by this poor screenshot representaiton ; http://prntscr.com/ima7bm .       Have a good day

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