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Insurance for cars


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I think that it is necessary to have a car insurance in the game, because many people crash and do not pay in order for the other person to get his car repaired, there are several excuses for this including, I dont have money, i dont know how to pay, I am a newbie, etc. I think that if you add an insurance for which players will have to pay and not paying for it will end up in a fine or having his car removed, as it happens in real life, and that everytime a player crash that insurance automatically sends money for the  other player to get his repair done. I thnink that it is a way to make the server even more realistic and it would solve a los of argues that people make everytime they crash which almost always ends up in an insult fight, therefore making the server a nicer place.

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Bruh is to hard to go to pits ??? Lfs maps are even that big , if you wanna make justice just report.... 

1 hora atrás, KevinRacer disse:

I agree ! But i think it's kinda hard to make it possible because the insim could get wrong and make the victim pay and also besides this some people would start doing insurance fraud to get money like brake checking someone ecc


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2 hours ago, ZxHuguinhoXz said:

Bruh is to hard to go to pits ??? Lfs maps are even that big , if you wanna make justice just report.... 


ti is not because of going to pits, it is because people do not pay you when they crash you, and yes sometimes when your car is very crashed it is really hard to get to the pits



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3 hours ago, KevinRacer said:

I agree ! But i think it's kinda hard to make it possible because the insim could get wrong and make the victim pay and also besides this some people would start doing insurance fraud to get money like brake checking someone ecc

It didn´t came uo that to my mind but i have to admit that you have a point and that there are people that will do that, but maybe, instead of money being given automatically, it could be with an insurance number so when they crash, they give their insurance number andthen it is a free repair at gearhead´s garage. I could really use the help of people like you to tell me what could go wrong so that i come up with a solution, please send me a private message.

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  • Administrator

As mentioned by other player, it's almost impossible to detect using the Insim who is the crasher and who was crashed. Also, we need to consider the cheaters who can simply pay for the insurance and request other players to crash him to get easy money or free repairs.

The only way to get it working properly is leaving it with high values like Lp$50.000, Lp$100.000 and let it work as a Gearhead subscription. For example, you pay Lp$50.000/30 days and get Lp$15.000 in credits on Gearhead/week.

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