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Bug of UCL


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Hello Negan, i said in the topic :  

I were tuning an car but didnt recive the money there i spent tunning. Right?

So the car has been returned to the owner but i spent 500k+ tuning him for dont recive anything.

Could you give me the money of tuning back seems like i didnt recive anything.... If you want you can see in the log

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1 hora atrás, ZxHuguinhoXz disse:

Hello Negan, i said in the topic :  

I were tuning an car but didnt recive the money there i spent tunning. Right?

So the car has been returned to the owner but i spent 500k+ tuning him for dont recive anything.

Could you give me the money of tuning back seems like i didnt recive anything.... If you want you can see in the log

Agora entendi pq a UCL ta off.
por causa desse bug.
só esperar agora eles arrumarem

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  • Administrator
4 hours ago, ZxHuguinhoXz said:

Hello Negan, i said in the topic :  

I were tuning an car but didnt recive the money there i spent tunning. Right?

So the car has been returned to the owner but i spent 500k+ tuning him for dont recive anything.

Could you give me the money of tuning back seems like i didnt recive anything.... If you want you can see in the log

What is the relation between the UFR sold by ymenezes and you? Didn't understand what you mean here

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Like ymenezes  have seen the bug there i've seen too.

As you can see in my log i tunned an fz5 (500k+) and sell it for another player. But by that bug i didnt recive anything but i spent with the tuning.

You know? I spent to tune it but didnt recive the money back (of tuning) by that bug.

Now im asking for my tuning money back :D

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2 horas atrás, ZxHuguinhoXz disse:

Primeiro, crie outro tópico caso queira falar de algo diferente. Temos uma seção de reportes pra isso. E outra, pq vc não fala que também não pagou pela venda do mesmo carro q vc reclama não ter recebido? Você comprou o FZ5 por 500k e vendeu por 400k, mas não pagou por ele e quer receber os supostos 400k pela venda?

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Eu comprei por 500k para não roubarem o carro.

Dps ia colocar na ucl por 900k (500k + 400K do tunning)

Pode perguntar ao Prince avonts


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