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My Accounts / Minhas Contas / Mis cuentas / حساباتي / Hesaplarım:   LFS username: GFDIVE  

Ban Reason / Razão de Banimento / Motivo de expulsión / سبب الحظر / Yasağı Sebep:  Multi Account - (Idx: 1554388337)

Explain yourself / Explique-se / Explicate / عرف نفسك / Kendini tanıt:  Hello,  First of all I apologize for breaking your rules,  I think I'm guilty,  I have 4 brothers we have created 4 accounts but we received a warning that our accounts will be blocked, So we wrote to the administrator that all accounts were deleted and managed only one but we have not received any answer. Our request will be to delete all accounts which are listed on the IP address, Just leave the account "GFDIVE" .  We will have only one account and will no longer violate your rules. Why did we create 4 accounts?  We have different tastes.  My brothers like it XRT FZ5 LX4 LX6 XFG, But I do not like these cars I love the front wheel cars, We always had argument after that we decided to create 4 accounts . We apologize for the mistake of the administrator, I promise that this will not happen again if you give us a chance, Thank you for reading my application and give me time .  Respectfully - John, Michael, Daniel, Paul

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