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I have been banned for cheating


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My Accounts / Minhas Contas / Mis cuentas / حساباتي / Hesaplarım: 

Hi, I have been banned for "cheating".

Ban Reason / Razão de Banimento / Motivo de expulsión / سبب الحظر / Yasağı Sebep: 

I have been banned for using a cheat or something like that, but I never used cheats on the official servers, just in tweak servers, so I don't understand the reason.

Explain yourself / Explique-se / Explicate / عرف نفسك / Kendini tanıt: 

I'm really new at this, so idk if I made a mistake or something, but I never remember to play with cheats on official servers, just in tweak as I said.

I really doubt I did anything, but if I do anything I just need to say, that it was unintentionally and I really apologize.

Have a good day.

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  • Community Manager

Thank you for your appeal. It will be reviewed by an Administrator as soon as possible. Please do not open new topics even if your appeal is slow to respond.
This will only cause you to have your punishment extended or your appeal rejected.


Obrigado pela sua apelação. Ela será revisada por um Administrador assim que possível. Por gentileza, não abra novos tópicos mesmo que sua apelação demore a ser respondida.
Isso apenas fará você ter sua punição estendida ou sua apelação recusada.


İtirazınız için teşekkür ederiz. Mümkün olan en kısa sürede bir Yönetici tarafından incelenecektir. İtirazınız yavaş yanıt verse bile lütfen yeni konular açmayın.
Bu, yalnızca cezanızın uzatılmasına veya temyiz başvurunuzun reddedilmesine neden olacaktır.


Obrigado pela sua apelação. Ela será revisada por um Administrador assim que possível. Por gentileza, não abra novos tópicos mesmo que sua apelação demore a ser respondida.
Isso apenas fará você ter sua punição estendida ou sua apelação recusada.


شكرا لك على الاستئناف الخاص بك. سيتم مراجعته من قبل المسؤول في أقرب وقت ممكن. يرجى عدم فتح مواضيع جديدة حتى لو كان استئنافك بطيئًا في الاستجابة.
سيؤدي هذا فقط إلى تمديد العقوبة أو رفض استئنافك.

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hace 1 minuto, xtasybeats dijo:

My Accounts / Minhas Contas / Mis cuentas / حساباتي / Hesaplarım: 

Hi, I have been banned for "cheating".

Ban Reason / Razão de Banimento / Motivo de expulsión / سبب الحظر / Yasağı Sebep: 

I have been banned for using a cheat or something like that, but I never used cheats on the official servers, just in tweak servers, so I don't understand the reason.

Explain yourself / Explique-se / Explicate / عرف نفسك / Kendini tanıt: 

I'm really new at this, so idk if I made a mistake or something, but I never remember to play with cheats on official servers, just in tweak as I said.

I really doubt I did anything, but if I do anything I just need to say, that it was unintentionally and I really apologize.

Have a good day.

and btw, i do like 3 accounts more because i thought i was bugged or something weird, so yeah.

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