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hi sir or madem 

im writing this messege im not feeling well i about my thing i did on teamviewer iwas trying to help a old me to update LFSProLauncher i copy those deails i put on my computer is login in is said 

welcome to s3 i tranfer to his pc those deails said welcom to s3 when i try to play online i find user name banned is so sad to me coz i made a promise to you sir or madem i will never do it but but every one contact me to help them about lfs all african contact to me can i have your deail so i can send to you

i want to said for y'all im sorry i cant even go to church coz im trying to fix this game is my life please for give me sir or madem i will never do it again

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Oi pessoal
Estou escrevendo mensagem estou tão triste Eu estava pedindo uma ajuda do jovem Tente me ajudar com um TeamViewer A licença estava em s3 Eu tento jogar on-line Eu fui banido Eu não sei porque eu posso até mesmo comer agora por favor me ajude guyz

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hi mr/mrs

im sizwe ronald

 im from south africa 

im ask can you delete all my account.im use this one sizwe ronald i cant play online coz im banned to help people 

i got many acoount please can you remover those account i love this game all my heart since from 10h00 oclock i did not go to church wait for someone who can help me to unbanned me to 

this game

this game is like my family i cant a skip a day without play im in pain i cant even eat please help me guyz im from south africa 

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My Accounts / Minhas Contas / Mis cuentas / حساباتي / Hesaplarım: 

Ban Reason / Razão de Banimento / Motivo de expulsión / سبب الحظر / Yasağı Olá preciso de sua ajuda fui banido nao sei qaul motivo poderia retirar ? ou falar ate quando vai durar ? obrigado

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